Mark Squires
Curriculum Vitae
Leader, facilitator, coach, trainer and instructor
- Experienced Leader and Manager – high-achiever, exceptional people skills, culture nurturer, led high-performing teams of 40 staff in client-focused, service and not-for-profit organisations
- Digital Marketer – website design and development, social media integration and content management
- Personal Development Facilitator – worked with business leaders, senior executives, politicians, young adults, teenagers, unemployed and indigenous populations.
- Highly-skilled Event Producer – twenty-five years experience across Britain, Europe, Asia Pacific, Australia and New Zealand on large scale, big budget events
- Outdoor Instructor and Leader – worked in Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong
- International Outdoor Safety & Risk Management Consultant – worked in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore
- Personal Development Coach – life skills, personal choices, future directions
career history
Outdoors Queensland (formerly Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation)
Operations Manager
July 2009 – present
Responsible for
- Marketing management including designing commercial membership packages, monthly newsletters, events, publicity including television coverage and digital marketing
- Design development and ongoing maintenance of all websites, including outdoorsqueensland.com.au; and visioningtheoutdoors.com
- Overseeing major website redevelopment of outdoorsqueensland.com.au – functionality, design, technical requirements and content management
- Liaising with web developers and hosting providers to ensure redevelopment projects maintained momentum and targets met
- Core systems development including improving processes and professionalism of the organisation so it is now viewed by the State Govt as providing solid industry support
- All elements of event production and management – especially the annual Outdoors Queensland Awards. MC since 2019
Active New Zealand
Senior Guide
October 2008 – April 2009
Led adult international tourist groups on 2 week active holidays (hiking, cycling & kayaking).
Outward Bound Hong Kong
June 2006 – February 2008
Significantly improved staff morale and trust in the management team by providing an open approach to communication, listening well and treating all staff with respect and honesty
- Responsible for the day-to-day running of school – approximately 40 instructional and logistics staff (Chinese and European) and delivery of programs for students aged 8 – adult
- Oversaw initial design and development of 4 new sailing vessels and the setting up of team and personal development programs in mainland China
- Fostered the development of local Chinese staff to take on more senior roles
Outward Bound New Zealand
Deputy Director
March 2001 – April 2006
Led a team of 50 staff during a difficult time in the organisation’s history, by providing strong leadership and personal support with integrity and professionalism
- A key member of the management team that led Outward Bound New Zealand to win the Unlimited magazine “Best Places to Work in New Zealand” award by focussing on the fundamental elements of the organisation and its work – people, values, core objectives and design principles
- Responsible for:
- Day-to-day running of school – up to 154 students on three-week programmes, 26 different programme types, 28 instructional staff
- Corporate programmes including design and delivery – developed new programme in conjunction with South Island Maori tribe, Ngai Tahu, focussing on cultural awareness and personal development
Custom Design Manager
June 2000 – March 2001
Improved a corporate leadership programme, Navigator, to become one of the flagship products in the Outward Bound New Zealand line
- Responsible for client briefs, programme design and course delivery
Freelance Consultant (Australia and New Zealand)
April 96 – January 99
- Event Management Producer – Wavelength (Telecom NZ), Connections (IBM ANZ)
- Outdoor Education Facilitator – Outdoor Education Group (Australia), Peak Achievements (Australia), Castle Hill Outdoor Centre (NZ) and others
Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre (New Zealand)
Operations Manager
February 97 – October 97
Key role in the management team responsible for bookings, programming (staff, equipment and vehicles), programme design and all facilities
Connections Event Management Pty Ltd (Australia)
March 1987 – March 1996
Owner/director of corporate event production business specialising in theatrical staged conferences, exhibitions and product launches
- Responsibilities included all production staging and technical services, production design, set and exhibition stand design, onsite production and staff management, tour management, show calling and client liaison
- Major clients included IBM, Lever Rexona, Compaq and Dell Computers, Adobe Systems, MLC, The Commonwealth Bank and McDonalds. Worked throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific.
Audience Motivation (Sydney)
Production Manager
June 1985 – March 1987
professional development
- 2012, Cert IV in Training & Assessment, Southbank Institute of Technology
- 2010, Cert IV Business, The Coaching Institute
- 2010, Cert IV in Life Coaching, The Coaching Institute
- 2007, Certificate on Introductory Accounting, The Open Polytechnic, NZ
- 2005, Media Skills, Maggie Barry
- 2004, Safety Reviewer Certification, Outward Bound International
- 2001, Team Management Training, Margerison McAnn
- 2000, Facilitation Workshop, Dr Simon Priest
- 1996, Outdoor Educator, Outdoor Pursuits Centre, NZ
associated skills
- Client Briefing, Consultation, Proposals and Budgeting
- Staff and supplier performance review and coaching
- Digital Marketing, web development and content management
- Office / Adobe design / main Social Media platforms
- Risk Management
- Public Speaking and Presentations
- Venue Selection and Coordination
- Facilitation and Instruction
- Personal and Group Development Course Design, Sequencing and Programming
- A broad range of outdoor skills and qualifications
professional recommendations
“I have consistently found Mark to be loyal, diligent, patient, reliable, trustworthy and innovative. In all my dealings with Mark he has proven himself to be industrious and thoughtful, able and willing to take on responsibilities and autonomously deliver outcomes. Mark is also a problem solver, consistently finding solutions to challenges in the workplace, and independently upskilling his own capacities to ensure he can provide the very best of service.”
Donna Little, Former CEO, Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation
+61 411 252 744 | donna@waytobe.com.au
“Mark and I jointly founded Connections Event Management and quickly attracted high-level clients for whom we produced regular events with budgets ranging between $10K and $1m. Without exception, our clients and suppliers held Mark in high esteem as someone who treated others fairly and with respect but also as someone who had high-expectations and the commitment to produce the best work possible. Mark has undertaken the production of massive events and always does so with the same level of attention to detail, making each show the best it can possibly be. He would be an asset to any organisation as much for his people skills as his production precision.”
Amanda Hampson, Former Co-Director, Connections Event Management
+ 61 2 9918 3364 | amanda@amandahampson.com
”Mark showed exceptional people and organisational skills with a strong ability to relate to, and understand, the needs of all of our clients, from youth through to corporate. Mark has a unique ability to be able to quickly come to grips with the needs of the client, to design programmes that meet their requirements and to ensure that the outcomes exceed their expectations. Colleagues describe him as compassionate, loyal, having the highest level of integrity, but always able to have fun. For my part I have always found Mark available and willing to go that extra mile for the client, willing to consider new approaches and always looking at issues with an open mind. As a member of the Management team he is one who I could totally rely on to protect and promote the brand, values and philosophy of Outward Bound.”
Trevor Taylor, CEO, Outward Bound New Zealand
+64 4 472 3440 | ttaylor@outwardbound.co.nz
“Mark is an extraordinary combination of strong technical skills in outdoor activities, superb human relations skills that allow him to lead, inspire and manage others with ease and style. He has a natural authority that comes from years and breadth of experience, intellectual curiosity and sensitivity to all kinds of employees. Whatever Mark decided to do I would feel sure it would be done to the highest standard.”
Ian Wade, former Executive Director, Outward Bound International