your ability to choose may be your greatest strength

Hi, I’m Mark Squires and I’d like to talk to you about the choices you are making and how well they are working for you. Are they helping you achieve the life you want!

Do you ever have the feeling that things are not really going as well as you’d dreamed or hoped they would. That maybe the choices you’ve made and the decisions you’ve taken aren’t really getting you the results you want?

Yes? Imagine how different your life might be if the choices you make really brought you the life you desire. Together we can work to make this happen. FIND OUT HOW (to What we do page)

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life coaching

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team building

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Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante.


Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante.

your next step!

Get in touch with us to find out how Choiceworks can work with you to make sure all your choices are the best they can be!

Link to Mark Squires page

Mark helped me unlock the potential in my life, focus on what were the real things I wanted and the steps to get there. The steps, anyone can do with a little work, but it’s the reasons we don’t take those steps that Mark really helped me with. He challenged the self-talk and looked at breaking down issues, acknowledging that ways of thinking or doing things had served their purpose once, but to move forward I needed to move past this point.
Sharon, Brisbane

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Mark inspired me to give my all every day. He is an exemplary role model and I trust him implicitly.
Richard, Hong Kong

I feel great and so much happier for the experience. Life will always present challenges and we will all travel through peaks and troughs with Mark’s help I have found great practical advice and personal idioms to make the journey fun and fruitful.
Greg, Brisbane

be with what is
choose well

no matter what the situation, remind yourself “I have a choice

Deepak Chopra